Friday, April 26, 2013

Summary/ Final Reaction

all of my research is now complete and i have to start my presentation. i had 126 people answer my survey which i am very pleased about because i wasnt sure how many responses i would get. i had a variety of ages answer the questions and the people are scattered throughout the country. i was shocked to see the percentage of people who answered certain questions about gay marriage in a negative way. for the most part the answers were what i expected but you will have to wait and see what the results were!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Revised Summary/Plan/Update

So far i have sent my survey out on my facebook, twitter, and also had my mom post my survey on her facebook. i have had a lot of responses so far, more than i anticipated actually. ive gotten alot of teenagers and college students responding to the survey but at the same ive gotten adults feedback too. ive also had people from all areas on the country answer the questions too which brings some diversity. i am very pleased with how my results are turning out, some are a little shocking to me though. within the next week i might post my survey one more time just to see if i can get any more responses.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Strategy Plan for Research

For my research I am going to be conducting a survey. I plan on sending out my survey on facebook, twitter, and through email this way the people who repsond to the survey will be male or female, varying in age, along with people who live in different parts of the country. I think these factors will play a big role in the results. I will be asking questions such as how old are you, where do you live, are you male or female, do you think gay marriage should be legal and questions along those lines. After i have received all my responses, i will calculate percentages to finalize my research.

Monday, March 25, 2013

Research Method

The research method that I am going to use is surveying. I will make a google doc survey and send it the students within iha with a few questions about homosexuality. This gives the students a chance to answer these questions freely without anyone else seeing their personal results. I feel like this is an effective way to get results with our own community. When the surveys have been completed i will come up with percentages correlating with all of the questions and the results will be revealed!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homosexuality in the Media

Gays in the media in Uganda

This is am article about recent media in Uganda. In a recent Rolling Stones magazine(not affiliated with the american version) published an article that posted a list of homosexuals with their name, address, and personal information stating that the public should report these people to the police. There was a lawsuit that was brought up and the court decided that media is not allowed to publish any more lists of this sort. The managing editor of the magazine says that he will still post lists about homosexuals no matter what the court has said.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

High School Newspaper Controversy

reaction to high school newspaper article

I found this article to be very interesting. In the Shawano High School newspaper, one of the students wrote an article about gays and how they are not fit to raise kids and that homosexuality is a sin punishable by death. An openly gay couple who are raising four children and some are in this school system, saw this article and they were absolutely shocked. Their child brought this article to his parents attention because he had questions about it. What I thought was so shocking was that this was a teenager who was writing this hateful article in his school news paper! This kind of article does not get published in a high school everyday and I was not expecting to find something like this. It just amazes me that young people in this time period are still so against gays and are so open about voicing his or her opinion.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Same Sex Marriage

Three States Approve Legalization 

If you scroll down to about the middle of this article, it talks about how three new states approve gay marriage. The residents in Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved same sex marriage and this was a huge turning point for the gay community. In Minnesota, voters also voted against the proposal to keep the State Constitution of marriage between a man and a woman. This type of Constitution is still withheld in 30 states. Gay marriage is now legal in nine states and in the District of Columbia. This type of improvement for the gay community is a huge step that is leading towards more rights for them. Same sex marriage is still very unpopular in the South but gay rights groups are hoping to see changes in Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and New Jersey. These steps are huge improvements for the gay community and they hope to see what the future holds.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Gay Rights Video

While searching for a video about homosexuality, I found this video that deals with gay rights in public schools in california. This is a video where 2 people are responding to a FOX news reports about teaching the children about gay rights activists and what they have accomplished. FOX news was very biased when talking about this subject and they thought it was completely inappropriate to teach children about homosexuality. It seems like they are afraid that if the children even learn about gay rights activists that the children will suddenly think its okay to be gay and turn into a homosexual. This logic honestly makes no sense and there is no reason why kids should not learn about gay rights activists because they are also historical figures who are fighting for a cause just the African Americans and women fighting for their rights. It is about teaching history not teaching children to be gay. I think this video explains why the FOX news report is biased in a way that is easy for everyone to understand because the video is not as formal as a news report.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Gender Roles

I found this article that I thought was very interesting that deals with gender roles of children who are raised by gay parents. I think society has an idea of how they think the children would grow up and how they would behave but after reading this article I learned that those ideas are false. The studies that have been done dealing with children raised in homosexual homes versus heterosexual homes prove that is not that a great different in how the children behave. Most studies have been done with lesbian mothers because there are fewer studies with gay fathers but however the results of these studies have been very interesting. Males who were raised by lesbian mothers tend to be less aggressive and more caring, and they are not forced to fit that typical male role of being tough and strong and playing agressive sports. Females raised by lesbian mothers tend to be fit the typical stereotype for being girly-girls because their mothers have no preference whether they play a sport or take dance classes and are also more likely to want to become doctors, lawyers, engineers and astronauts. Females however are more likely to be sexually adventurous while males are more likely to be chaste. These are just a few aspects of the gender roles that children take when they are raised by gay parents and this article goes more in depth about all aspects of the children's lives.

Friday, February 1, 2013


While looking for an article dealing with homosexuality, I came across this article that was about the Pastor who pulled out of Obama inauguration benediction because of previous comments he made about homosexuality in the past. The presidential inaugural committee invited Rev. Louie Giglio to participate in the ceremony. Controversy started to arise when Rev. Louie Giglio's background was researched and the public found that in the mid 1990's, he made rude comments about homosexuality.Years ago Rev. Louie Giglio said "You come to only one conclusion: homosexuality is less than God's best for his creation. it is less than God's best for us, and everything in our lives that is less than God's best for us and his plan for us and his design for us is sin. That's God's voice." The public went crazy when they heard this statement and Rev. Louie Giglio backed out of the inauguration to avoid further controversy. 

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Introduction to Homosexuality

hi everyone i'm madison and my topic is homosexuality. i chose this topic because i'm a dancer and in the dance community i'm exposed to homosexuality all the time. in the dance community, a majority of dancers are gay and embrace who they are. i have a lot of close friends who are gay and i see nothing different about them. i'm interested in learning and researching about the different point of views on homosexuality whether it be in society, religion, or the government's take on this subject. this topic is very relevant in society today and thought it would be interesting to learn more about it.