Monday, March 25, 2013

Research Method

The research method that I am going to use is surveying. I will make a google doc survey and send it the students within iha with a few questions about homosexuality. This gives the students a chance to answer these questions freely without anyone else seeing their personal results. I feel like this is an effective way to get results with our own community. When the surveys have been completed i will come up with percentages correlating with all of the questions and the results will be revealed!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Homosexuality in the Media

Gays in the media in Uganda

This is am article about recent media in Uganda. In a recent Rolling Stones magazine(not affiliated with the american version) published an article that posted a list of homosexuals with their name, address, and personal information stating that the public should report these people to the police. There was a lawsuit that was brought up and the court decided that media is not allowed to publish any more lists of this sort. The managing editor of the magazine says that he will still post lists about homosexuals no matter what the court has said.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

High School Newspaper Controversy

reaction to high school newspaper article

I found this article to be very interesting. In the Shawano High School newspaper, one of the students wrote an article about gays and how they are not fit to raise kids and that homosexuality is a sin punishable by death. An openly gay couple who are raising four children and some are in this school system, saw this article and they were absolutely shocked. Their child brought this article to his parents attention because he had questions about it. What I thought was so shocking was that this was a teenager who was writing this hateful article in his school news paper! This kind of article does not get published in a high school everyday and I was not expecting to find something like this. It just amazes me that young people in this time period are still so against gays and are so open about voicing his or her opinion.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Same Sex Marriage

Three States Approve Legalization 

If you scroll down to about the middle of this article, it talks about how three new states approve gay marriage. The residents in Maryland, Maine, and Washington approved same sex marriage and this was a huge turning point for the gay community. In Minnesota, voters also voted against the proposal to keep the State Constitution of marriage between a man and a woman. This type of Constitution is still withheld in 30 states. Gay marriage is now legal in nine states and in the District of Columbia. This type of improvement for the gay community is a huge step that is leading towards more rights for them. Same sex marriage is still very unpopular in the South but gay rights groups are hoping to see changes in Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Rhode Island, Minnesota, and New Jersey. These steps are huge improvements for the gay community and they hope to see what the future holds.